OUT: 花見 (Hanami in Tokyo)

Today I experienced one of the most magical things I have so far had the pleasure to be apart of, and something that strangely made me feel quite homesick!

C H E R R Y  B L O S S O M  S E A S O N

I've been told by many of my Japanese tomodachi's (friends) that the Sakura, or Cherry Blossoms, have come early this year. Well, I'm not really complaining!

We spent the day today in the infamous Yoyogi Park picnicking with what seemed to be at least half of Tokyo city - beers, bags of chips, 'blankets' (cute printed tarps) and some warmth on our skins, just like at home in New Farm park! There was even a group of people nearby who were some sort of crochet knit club, a man walking his pet rabbit around on his shoulder, amazing street food (!), many people having casual siestas and a baby monkey taking a walk with its obliging owner! 

From this Spooler in Tokyo city to friends and family back home - happy Sprautumn (spring-autumn).

I wish you were here x

What else has Spool been up to in Tokyo? Take a peek at our Kawaii Diaries!