Tuesday, 15 January 2013


It's true....we are obsessed with tacky sparkles, cute bears, kitties, puppies, rainbows, ponies aaaaaannnddd all things kawaii.

We love them so much so, that one of us Spoolers is leaving this great country of meat pies, bright beaches and 'she'll be right' attitudes for the anime-infested Nippon (aka JAPAN).

Even though another one of our sneaky Spool crew will be joining her later on we gave her her own  Japanese send-off filled with asian food, costumes, karaoke and lots of dancing! For the next 6 months we'll have our very own expat over in the land of the rising sun! And just so you get the very best of how the locals do it in Tokyo city, we'll be starting a travel blog so she can fill us in the best shopping, eats, bars, music and customs to practice (or avoid). We're excited to expand our territory (and who knows, perhaps you'll be meeting some Japanese-Australian artists along the way) and we're also pretty 'stoked' to see what else this great city of ours has to offer!

Don't fret though, we'll still be keeping you up to date and in the loop about our pretty city and all the gooey-goodness it has to offer!

Keep checking back :) loads of updates to come!!!!!!!!!!

Arigato and good night x