Artist Profile: Generation Wuss

Generation Wuss, our third exhibition, is happening this weekend! If you're in Brighton, or keen for a bit of a trek, pop along to opening night Saturday night! We catchup with Sophie Millis, co-producer of the exhibition, as well a few of the artists; Joel Stagg, Hand Drawn Homer and Spool's own Wendy Ma to see what they have in store for us.


1. Describe yourself using 5 adjectives? Neurotic and crazy for eggs

2. Defining aspect of pop culture? Youtube: for instant satisfaction and instant fame

3. What can we find you doing on an average day? Working hard for a dollar while dreaming of the big life

4. What is your general process of art creation? Usually I create because I am bored and stressed from not creating, and then it just happens. It's never the same as before and always comes out in different mediums.

5. What/who most inspires you? Baby Jude makes it big in Japan, Baby Jude is my scape goat.

6. Why are you part of Generation Wuss? Because I think it is important to be proud of what you do ^_^


1. Describe yourself using 5 adjectives? Nonchalant, anxious, pacifistic, aggressive, hypocritical.

2. Your favourite aspect of pop culture? OR the most defining aspect of pop culture?  Gaining #Rare access to the Based lifestyle.

3. What can we find you doing on an average day? Sinkin brews and bruisin in-sync.

4. What is your general process of art creation? Scratch my head, make a video.

5. What/who most inspires you? William Rene eating a single pickled onion at 3am.

6. Using ten words or less tell us about your work for Generation Wuss? Straight up boom-bap fresh from the gutter rap vids.

7. Why are you part of Generation Wuss? Because i'm generally a wuss.


1. Describe yourself using 5 adjectives? Millhouse, Smithers, Lenny, Carl, Barney.

2. Your favourite aspect of pop culture? The Simpsons, seasons 3-9 (1991-1998). Particularly episodes written or produced by John Swartzwelder and starring Phil Hartman.

3. What can we find you doing on an average day? Clown college.

4. What is your general process of art creation? It usually takes about four pints before I'm ready to begin. Then I scope out the pub that I'm in and look for anyone who looks as though they've spent a lot of time watching TV. Often I approach groups of dudes in their early/mid-twenties, because they usually have the best Simpsons knowledge. I open with a fairly polite variation on "Excuse me," and then usually adopt a slightly confrontational tone and ask, "You know what Homer Simpson looks like, right?" When people invariably reply yes, I ask them to draw Homer, from memory. Then I usually ask them to draw any other character, whoever's their favourite. If more than one person is drawing then they have to hide their drawings until everyone is finished. There's usually a big reveal, some laughter. Sometimes other people want to do it. Once I got pretty much the entire room to do it. Everyone thinks they can draw Homer, but nobody can, really. This is a collaborative project that as far as I'm concerned is Creative Commons; anyone can steal it and pan it off as their own, because I'm pretty sure I stole it and panned it off as my own in the first place.

5. What/who most inspires you? "You Only Move Twice." [3F23] (Season 8, Episode 2). Original air date: Nov. 3, 1996. "Marge Be Not Proud." [3F07] (Season 7, Episode 11). Original air date: Dec. 17, 1995. "Homer Goes to College." [1F02] (Season 5, Episode 3). Original air date: Oct. 14, 1993.

6. Using ten words or less tell us about your work for Generation Wuss?  Drunk people can't draw Homer, but they like to try.

7. Why are you part of Generation Wuss?  Nothing can upset us, we're the MTV generation: we feel neither highs nor lows.


1. Describe yourself using 5 adjectives? Quiet, adventurous, cheerful, decisive, indecisive.

2. Your favourite aspect of pop culture OR the most defining aspect? Anybody and everybody has free reign to create, share and be passionate about their craft. Also, it’s all about the possibility of creating communities where people can have fun and explore the world, make connections and collaborate with those from different parts of the globe.

3. What can we find you doing on an average day? Watching movies, video games, eating, working.

4. What is your general process of art creation? Boredom and the need to be productive, so I draw or get dressed and blog. I wouldn’t have seen blogging as an art form before but I’ve been inspired by blogs that have strong concepts and aesthetics behind each post and it all becomes this whole process in the end, so why not?

5. What/who most inspires you? Movies and fictional characters. Random photos of pretty girls.

6. Using ten words or less tell us about your work for Generation Wuss? Boredom, domestic, play, short attention span, overexposure + info overload.

7. Why are you part of Generation Wuss? Sitting back and enjoying the kitschy, trashy, glamorous splendor of it all.