Artist Profile: Silo Arts Collective

Words by Wendy Ma

Silo Arts is an Australian record label (based in Brisbane...YESS!) and collective of music producers, beatsmiths, and visual artists all in support of experimental electronic musicians and digital artists. Backed by some of Brisbane's best; Tincture, Outerwaves and White Palms to name a few, you can be sure they're grade A professionals, uncovering the most forward-thinking, innovative electronic escapes on offer.

They're also responsible for bringing us Gold Panda on this Sunday night (3rd March) at Alhambra AND XXYXX end of march, so yeah, we owe these guys big time! We catchup with one half of the brand, Luke Dalton to chat about the collective, life in Brisbane and where everything's headed.

1. Silo Arts in three words?

Art, Music, Vinyl

2. Your mission?

To nurture a local interest in alternative electronic music and to rally likeminded people to hang out, make art, make out, hang art…and party.

3. What’s your role in the collective?

I initially began making beats right back when Hugh (the other half of Silo) started throwing around the idea of making a music/art collective in Brisbane. From there I started getting more involved with booking and running shows locally, and eventually started running the whole thing on a daily basis in partnership with Hugh. Ninety percent of the time I’m just answering emails though, so it’s not all glamorous.

4. Besides Silo, what do you do?

I’m in my fifth year of university studying a double degree of Law and Japanese. I also make music under the name Tincture, so I play a few gigs here and there. I also work at a bar in the Valley.

5. What motivates you?

Every now and then we’ll get a message in our inbox or on facebook saying something like “Oh my god thank you for bringing such and such to Brisbane, I never thought I’d see them here!!!”. I’m stoked every time I see something like that.

6. Who inspires you right now?

Frank Ocean and Hugh Francis.

7. Who else is apart of Silo?

Essentially anyone who helps us in our quest for world domination is a part of Silo. Honourable mentions go to Brisbanites Thom Brydon (Motion Picture Actress), Dom Stephens (Outerwaves), Matt Cook (White Palms), Kat Gough (Mrs White Palms), Lachie Bradshaw (SAAL). Then we’ve got our signees Rainbow Chan in Sydney and Glamour Lakes in Adelaide…with many more to come in the not too distant future.

8. Are you still mainly based in Brisbane?

I think Silo will probably stay Brisbane based as long as I’m living here, however we don’t really want it to be tied down to one location. Hugh’s currently in NYC, I was in Tokyo for 8 months last year, and who knows where I’ll be when I get my degree out of the way. Let’s just say we’re playing it by ear, but you won’t see us disappear from Brisbane any time soon!

9. What do you think sets our arts/music scene apart from say, Melbourne’s or Sydney’s?

Brisbane is a sleepy town in comparison to Melbourne and Sydney, but we’re fighting to change that. I look around and I see the same shows, the same bands and the same people everywhere. There’s a serious lack of diversity, and it’s no surprise that so many people leave here for greener pastures. I'm not saying there’s a lack of artistic talent in Brisbane (I see it everywhere). What’s really lacking is a unifying force that brings all these people together to celebrate each other’s work.

10. One thing you would change about Brisbane’s art/music scene?

More people who give a shit, less people who want to get their photo taken.

11. Favorite places to go/things to see in Brisbane?

IMA, Judith Wright Centre, GOMA, Black Bear and Barsoma.

12. Biggest Fear?

Technical difficulties.

So lock in Sunday night, you really don't want to miss this!

The UK’s Gold Panda will be taking us away to his world of recycled, re-mastered samples, replete with exotic surprises and stoic electronic reminiscence on the following Sunday 3 March at Alhambra lounge. Gold Panda’s music is stretched out and slow to restless tics and fluttering rhythmic succession with a hint of candy pop vibes. The electro musician’s Brisbane-based psychedelic/hip-hop counterpart Outerwaves is also due to launch his new single, guaranteeing a night of bliss and dancing. Tickets are $28.60 and doors open from 7pm.