And here are some friendly folk we met along the way;
Dylan Wellington / 21 / Student and marketing
What was the last arts event you went to? I Used To Skate Once
5 words to sum up your day? Sweaty, hot, crashes, long, I-need-food.
What are you looking forward to? West End st party and a shower.
What kind of marketing do you do? I intern at the public policy think-tank.
Lauren Skelsey / 23 / Graphic designer
Last arts event? Bleached gallery opening. It was really great.
5 words to sum up your day? Worked, busy, hot, chilled, fun.
What are you looking forward to? Japan in February for travels.
If you were to wear a pair of shoes for the rest of your life what would they be? The ones I'm wearing right now (sensible brown brogues). They are amazing and so comfy!
Best/worst/weirdest advice your mother has given you? Don't matter which step you take, just take a step.