RAW Radiate

On Thursday night we were treated to a night of fashion, art, photography, music and film as well as makeup and hair artistry. RAW Brisbane puts unique multi-faceted showcases of local independent artists each month. They aim to shine the spotlight on emerging talents and nurture creativity within the community! Quite the matriarchal figure I must say...

Anyway Kristen (showcase director) was lovely enough to invite us along to Radiate, read more about her here! We sipped on mixed slushies at a transformed Oh Hello, (we liked it better this way), walls were lined with photography and the stage consisted of a runway. We also tweeted and instragramed away, yes that right, it was even encouraged and not anti-social behavior, everyone was doing it.

Highlights included the Art of Ellie (being broke, it was danger that we were super tempted to pick up a few prints or two), Alexandra McGuire's (QUT) Indian inspired swimwear, The Roshambos, and Danni Ogilvie's (photography) dreamy images. We managed to catch the last half of Simon Cottee's film, The Wedding, the dark, cynical mono-toned humor ticked our fancy.

Be sure to check out these artists and the next event RAW has coming up!