Quite the character, who will always be a dear friend to me, Kintaro Matsumoto's latest creative outlet is CHASMS//. Best served lying in bed in the dark (sink into that progressive void), as you stir up a few mimosas on a Friday night, as you brush your teeth or go for a drive in cold air conditioning late at night. There's a bit of everything and his tracks all come with that hint of electronic TLC and flicker of excitement found within playful experimentation. I caught up with him through the Interwebs...
1. Age/location/occupation?
23/Gold Coast/Barista
2. Three words that describe CHASMS//?
Pulsating, priapic, preoccupied
3. What is required for you process?
4. Who's inspiring your most at the moment?
At the moment Twin Shadow, Roisin Murphy. KONAMI released some new footage from an upcoming metal gear solid game that looks fantastic and Steven Segal (the concentration in his eyes).
5. Who would you most like to collaborate with living or dead and why?
I'd really like to hang with Stanley Kubrick and get him to show me his holiday slides and use some of his unused movie footage and create a song around it, if he were to allow it.
6. Something you’re looking forward to?
I'm always looking forward to my next laughing fit. The more uncontrollable the more satisfying. I was once crying with my head back like a pez dispenser. I have a friend his name is Daniel and he 'pez dispenses,' it's a riot when he does. I'm looking forward to Flume on the 14th (elsewhere).
7. What was the most useful or weirdest advice your mother gave you?
Advice from my mum? Ummm.
8. Picture message me an image of you and your mum?
Closest I could get to my mother (note inset: it is my father).