Tying Up Loose Ends
Just been dying with anticipation to see what Tim & Eric have in store for us with their Awesome Australian Tour. Great Job! I got myself into a bit of a youtube binge and found this gem. David Liebe Hart, in my opinion, out do my parents when imparting words of wisdom during a time of immense and rapid change.
Speaking of which, we have definitely seen Spool transform, from a hard green tomata to a somewhat read hairy tomata in the last few weeks. With Advice From Your Mother in less than a month we've got Winnie Chan working with us on our event poster and we're planning the layout of the gallery right this second. We've also got a sweet competition lined up for the exhibition, so keep your EARS PEELED to find out how you can win some goodies that will really make your day...
advice from your mother,
australian tour,
awesome show,
free stuff,
spool collective,
tim and eric