Sunday, 20 October 2013

OUT: Sex Waves Zine Launch

Words by Athalia Foo

Baby oil, black tarp, lube, hand painted brick walls and dim lighting saturated in red hues....

Maybe it's all the sex-themed documentaries I've been watching lately (thanks go to Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends) but the scene that greeted me when I entered Fish Lane Studios, the most recent gallery to the Brisbane scene, was something reminiscent of a sex dungeon x underground beginners fetish club.

Charlie Hillhouse, photographer and the brains and braun behind Small House Books publishing, was our host for the evening, and along side some great music coming out of the blue room, a steadily melting seahorse ice sculpture was also a great feature for the night.

Despite some conflicting feels within myself, I have to say that Small House Books publishing is nothing short of grade A, boutique printing! Keep your eyes out for new zine editions by locals like Jack Loel +  + at Small House Books website and blog.

A highlight is also checking out the studios of the artists in residence!

Victoria Alcorn / 23 / Florist at Perrots Florists

What was the most exciting thing you did today?
I went to work... that wasn't very exciting. I did just have a sangria before at Ole, but it was really lovely - it kind of tasted like Christmas punch. It was a feel good sangria!

Sum up your thoughts about the Sex Waves zine in 3 words.
Dingy. Blurry. Suggestive

What are you looking forward to?
I know Charlie Hillhouse is moving into one of these rooms this week - the room where the DJ is (blue room). So, hopefully he has something where we can check out what he does because he's a good artist, I enjoy him a lot.

If you were a digital device or a social media platform what would you be and why?
I think I would prefer to be, out of everything, something like or in twitter - because it's based on words, and less image based. So more discussion with the words.