Friday, 18 October 2013


Words by Emma Jones

I've got a confession. The following interview I had with 1/2 of Melbourne's Willow Beats happened when I was pretty drunk. I had no intention of doing this interview as, to be quite honest, I am a little starstruck by these two. However, Drunk Emma is a bit more courageous, and so we have an article.

Willow Beats are a powerful electro duo, with a few tours under their belt, and some ripper tunes. They were recently in Brisbane for BIGSOUND, and their prospects are looking pretty promising, with a string of gigs happening over the all-important "festival season" approaching this summer!

I caught Kalyani leaving the toilets at Alhambra Lounge, and had a chat with her about all things Willow Beats - touring, being creative and kebabs.

What is your favourite thing about touring?

I guess... I don't know... It's interesting seeing how different places accept your music. Every place is different with a different vibe. Also meeting so many people!

Least favourite?

When you don't have a place to stay, and no way to get around. You end up walking a long way to a lot of gigs.

What can we expect from you guys? When can we hear some new stuff?

There is another EP in the works. We're working really hard on it. It'll be out probably next year!

Is there anything you're particularly excited about?

We're playing some summer festivals, I'm really excited to play Strawberry Fields - that's a highlight for me.

Going to a festival VS playing a festival - what's the difference for you? 

It's incredible. All of a sudden you have a place to hang out and you can meet everyone. All the artists are compacted into one area. The most fun we have is playing festivals.

What do you get up to on a day off?

My hobby is making music and drawing. I guess I just try to be as creative as possible when we aren't touring. I've started making visuals on my computer for our projections. There was someone else doing it but now we're giving it a go! We try to do everything with just the two of us.

You've been to Brisbane a few times - do you have any favourite places?

We've been here quite a bit. The art galleries are friggin' awesome. They also have awesome vegetarian kebabs here too! And the West End markets are great.

Do you do anything special to prepare for a big tour?

Lately we have just been writing as much music as possible. But also just relaxing at home and soaking in the nature before heading into the cities. Tours are just cities and nightclubs -  there isn't too much to get into with nature.