Thursday, 12 September 2013

OUT: Cut Snake / A Western (Brisbane Festival)

Words and photos by Athalia Foo

It's only the first week of Brisbane Festival, and we are  e x h a u s t e d  already! We've been yelled at, sung to, made laugh, talked at and very well near danced on - and this is only the beginning!

It's Bris Fest's QUT Theatre Republic that has had us running from  place to place, clutching our prized tickets as we enter each performance space wondering what coo-coo ride local and international artists will take us on - and I truly could not feel more alive.

It's just the beginning of this Bris Fest tale, so have a casual scroll and make sure you head along to these shows before their seasons end:

Cut Snake

By Critical Stages and Arthur Production (Aus)

In an intimate tent with lots of bunting, fairylights and colourful cushions we were treated to one of the opening performance of Cut Snake (now a sold out season!)

Although the story line wasn't one that I could say was totally foreign, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the action on stage and the trio's clever use of props, sound, movement and costume. My heart was warmed, my diaphragm was given a severe work out (plenty of LOLs) and I came out beaming from ear to ear :)

To sum up in three words: high-energy, honest, hilarious.

Johnny Legobye / Communications and Media Studies student and Performer
David Darcy / Graphic Design student

Three words to describe the show?
J: Fun. Heartfelt. Intimate.
D: Live. Considered. Rocky.

What other Brisbane Festival shows are you hoping to see?
J: The Unspoken Word is Joe, The Wizard of Oz, and the rest of the shows if I can get to them.
D: I just saw Blue Light Frisco. I am going to see The Wizard of Oz and The Unspoken Word is Joe.

If you were a social media platform/digital device what would you be?
J: the '#' tag because then I would know everything.
D: Google because then I would all!

A Western

By Action Hero (UK)

I've never been overly drawn to the western genre - all that swirling dust, gun-shooting horse riding, brothels and huge cowboy egos sometimes distracted me from seeing the sheer brilliance of a western piece.

Aaaannndd then I saw A Western  by UK artists Action Hero. It's the company's first time in Oz and I gotta say not only are they taking our hot and humid weather rather well, but they've brought a clever, ironic and very entertaining show to Metro Arts' Basement.

With just the right amount of (non-awkward and uncomfortable) audience and space interaction, just the right amount of props and tomato sauce and a fantastic dissection of the western genre, A Western had boys and girls, young and old laughing, shooting their cowboy handguns and sharing card games and shots of whiskey with the performers.

A Western runs until September 28th - please, see it JUST ONCE (at least!)

Ryan Van Winkle / Poet    AND    Mark Flett / ER Doctor

Three words to describe the show?
R: Cinematic. Poetic. Ketchup.
M: Cowboys; No Indians.

What was your favourite moment?
J: The flashbacks, and the epilogue
M: The bar scene when the bar tender was 'drying' the glasses.

What other Brisbane Festival shows are you hoping to see?
R: The Wizard of Oz, The Unspoken Word is Joe and whatever Glynn Roberts (former MKA Theatre member, current La Boite Programs Coordinator) tells me to see. I'm only up here for a little bit, I'm performing in Melbourne Fringe Festival. My show is called Red Like Our Room Used To Feel. It's FREE and it's at The Hub.

M: Anything Ryan takes me too.