Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Artist Feature: Rebecca Youdell (Bonemap)

Interview and Words by Athalia Foo.
Images sourced from Bonemap's website.

Ya'll know we're ALL about interactive and hybrid arts! We love to see art lovers engaging with works and making their own unique versions so that everyone takes away a little something extra.

ENTER: BONEMAP - cofounded by Rebecca Youdell and Russell Milledge.

Bonemap are in the business of creating unique, intermedial performance works, combining elements of dance, film, sound, digitial media and visual art (with a good dash of MYO performance for audience members, too!)

As part of Brisbane Festival, Bonemap are bringing two works to QUT's The Block, Terrestrial Nerve and Nerve Engine, at a very affordable price (one is $12, the other is F R E E!) If you've had the luck of seeing the works before in another city don't be afraid of repeats - Rebecca assures me that every iteration grows and changes depending on the artists involved and the landscape they perform in.

I had an intimate chat with Rebecca Youdell to learn more about the work, Bonemap's process and the group themselves. It was too long to type out, and too great to cut any shorter!

Grab a cuppa and some tea cake and join our chat for a few minutes :)


Terrestrial Nerve and Nerve Engine
The Block, QUT Kelvin Grove (Parade Ground - the courtyard at La Boite)
10-14 September - Tickets and Info H E R E

>>> More about Bonemap Here <<<