Friday, 28 June 2013


Words by Athalia Foo

There are seriously few things these days that get me preemptively excited, but this is definitely one of them - so much so that I had to put two interviews together in the same post!

Some things I always hear from people about what beautiful Brisbane needs are:
1. more venues
2. more places and opportunities for artists to show their works
3. more parties

We happened to stumble across a great group of people who are making all those things happen (with some fun extras, too!). Lucid are a group of creative and collaborative individuals who are set to launch a new event at a new venue T O N I G H T!

Starting at Studio Thirtyfour (34 Wyandra St, Newstead) and working it's party-trail way to Oh Hello, the theme of the night is bangin' beats, cheap booze and top notch visual art all from hand picked and homegrown talent, and in our very own backyard!

Without further adue, have a sit down one on one with the Lucid team, and one of the ear-blowingly beautiful music acts, Jordan Rakei:

HELLO, LUCID TEAM! (Ruben Laukkonen)

Who is in Lucid, and what do they do?
This is a tough one; we have lots of creatives who are actively involved with us. As for our core group, we like to keep this a bit of a mystery. We hope that the art and the music speaks for itself. But I’ll give you a hint; we’ll all be at Lucid 34 ;)

What exactly is Lucid? Where did the idea spring from/how did it get
to where it is now? What makes it unique? And what does Lucid mean for Brisbane’s nightlife and arts and culture scene?
Lucid is an idea to provide Brisbane with an immersive platform for local, young artists. We’re going to bring a music festival vibe to your backyard. We want to promote community, love for art and talent, but we also want to party hard. We want people to escape to their transcendent roots and really enjoy life every week, rather than four days a year at a music festival.

What makes us unique is that we aren’t trying to ‘be’ anything at all. We want the artists to be themselves, and we want to simply provide them with that opportunity. Art is often a collective process. We want musicians, graphic designers, DJ’s, painters, and photographers to collaborate and create something bigger than the sum of their parts.

To Brisbane’s nightlife, we want to add substance, soul, art, freedom and meaning with no extra charge. Art and culture, well, we just want the existing art, and the existing culture, to show itself. It’s there, it’s waiting, and we plan to bring it to life.

What can we usually find each of you doing on your days off?
I can only speak for myself on this one. None of it is really work to me, so none of it can really be called a day off either. If I’m not working on Lucid, I’m studying, if I’m not studying, I’m kicking back with my friends at Clearview. The other key player who founded Lucid is a bit of a nomad, so his days off consist of aimless wandering and us chasing him around trying to get a hold of him. Damn artists.

Your favourite arts venues in Brisbane city?
Coniston lane has had a few killer events recently and The Fort before it closed down, but any venue who is promoting art openly, honestly, and without constraint has our tick of approval.

How many artists will we be seeing at Lucid34?
Visually, Jake Reston, Wez Phillips and Acid Inks will be displaying their artwork.

Can you give us some behind the scenes hints to any surprises we might be getting on your launch night and/or at the after party?
One small hint, there will be a live collaboration between instruments that you wouldn’t see anywhere else.

After your launch, what can we expect from Lucid?
Expect the unexpected! And perhaps something like a collaboration with the Spool Collective! ;)



Tell us a bit about yourself – as a person and as an artist?
I’ve been involved with music from a young age. I’ve played piano for 15 years, and guitar for 8 years, and have been singing all my life. My love revolves around music and sport! Probably not equally, but at this stage of my life, that’s all that really matters…

How would you describe your practice? (ie: how would you define your genre? where does your inspiration come from? What is your process of creation?)
I have different styles for different situations. My genre is soul/roots music. With my band, I usually perform originals, accompanying myself on the keys. Most of the gigs I do are just residency solo gigs around Brisbane, and they are accompanied with the guitar.

Who/what most inspires you?
Hip-Hop music culture. Not so much the culture now, but back in the 90’s. That’s where my inspiration comes from now. Mainly because of the Jazz Elements and the message.

If you could collaborate with anyone living/past who would it be and why?
Bob Marley, no question.

What is the best thing about what you do?
Writing an entire song in my room, creating all the instruments and everything, then having the first rehearsal with a band and seeing how it all comes together.

What is the hardest?
Time Management and coming up with different material than my last.

What can we usually find you doing on your day(s) off?
Playing/Watching sport, (A.K.A. Worshipping LeBron James) or watching full seasons of TV shows…Haha.

Of all your songs, which is the track you are most proud of?
Selfish. It’s been played all over the world.

Are you excited about playing at Lucid’s launch party ‘Lucid34’? Do you have any surprises in store for us?
I guess you’ll have to come and find out!

More of Jordan's sounds?? CLICK H E R E