Sunday, 10 November 2013

Deck The Walls: Artist Call Out

Words by Athalia Foo

The annual Deck the Walls is back again to bring artistic and festive cheer to walls of Bleeding Heart Gallery. The wonderful team from Youth Arts Queensland (or YAQ, for short) is ending their year of programs and initiatives by hosting an exhibition-come-party-come-networking-event - where everyone (artist, arts worker and business types alike) can network, showcase or purchase artwork and gear up in the Christmas spirit! This annual event aims to benefit artists, volunteers, the general public and even charities (could they be bigger angels?)

YAQ are currently still seeking applications from artists to help deck those walls with the best local art available, and volunteers who are eager to meet industry VIPs or be involved in the whole exhibition experience! 

Interested?? Scroll down and find the link that hollas at ya. 
>> Join the event here <<

If you're an artist under 30 - submit an application here
(Applications close Thursday, Nov 14  unless works are still in progress - contact YAQ)

If you want to volunteer and network - click this link.

If you just want to learn more - click this guy!