Monday, 28 October 2013

OUT: Shadow of a Mouse / THREE @ Brew

On Thursday night, we had the pleasure of running around Brisbane's inner city to a handful of shows.

First up was Shadow Of A Mouse @ Petrie Terrace Gallery - an exhibition focusing on the artworks and artists behind animation, by Griffith Film School. While we nibbled on art world hors d'oeuvres and wine, we were treated to animation stills, 3D artworks, graphic novels, intricate gold-inlaid works and even ceramic busts.

Artists who stole the show for us were Louise Harvey, who exhibited some super detailed and dream-like 3D illustrations, the ceramic bust artist (I lost the artist sheet!) and Hadieh Afshani whose intricate artworks made us really want to go to a land where dragons and phoenix exist and where we can play tarot cards all day!

Hadieh Afshani

After a pit stop at new Statler and Waldorf, we popped our heads into THREE @ Brew to eye-spy the works by loca Brisbane artists Esther Valmadre, Kristian Fraachia and Mez Macleod. As always at Brew bar, a super chill atmosphere was what greeted us, and while I looked like a total creepy leaning over people snapping pictures of the beautiful works on display, I have to say Esther Valmadre really stole our hearts with her honest-to-goodness illustrations that were all charm, pop and a little bit sassy.

Mick /  Works at Grill'd and studying Aerospace Engineering 
Casey / Works at Grill'd and studying at school 
Nick / Works at Grill'd

What have been the highlights of the exhibition so far?

M + N + C: Kristian Fraachia's works. We work with him.
M: He usually draws pictures of his penis, but there are none here tonight.
N: A lot of places he exhibits won't let him put up his penis pictures, unfortunately.

What was the last arts event you attended?

M + C: Kristian's last exhibition at the Bird Gallery.

What are you looking forward to?

M: Earth Core - the 20th Anniversary of a bush rave down in Melbourne at the end of November, and that's the next thing I'm going to waste all my money on.
C: I'm really excited because my favourite band, Smashing Pumpkins, is releasing a special vinyl cover of Zeitgeist in a couple of weeks. 
N: I've got an artist that I really like named Ghost Patrol is exhibiting in Brisbane, and also doing a drawing workshop. My best friend Nat is also having a piece of her's shown in a feminist exhibition in Woolloongabba coming up in the next 3 weeks.

If you were a digitial device what would you be?

N: Tumblr! Or a vibrator that plays music.
M: I'd be a vibrator with all the little extra bits, with the ball bearings and the extra little tickler bits.
C: I'd be a classic vibrator. 

We also popped into Coniston Lane afterwards to see Young Night, Antics and Feels... but the night gets a bit messy at this point - so instead, here is a picture of a motorbike, and a link to our post about Young Night.