Thursday, 19 September 2013

OUT: Psycho Beach Party / Doku Rai (Brisbane Festival)

Words by Athalia Foo

Psycho Beach Party 

Little Ones Theatre

Pscyho Beach Party.... words that come to mind are as follows: 
Glitter, sand, Rock Lobster, Trans, surf lads, multiple 'huuman' personalities.

Even though you probably know the storyline from the film of the same name (made in 2000) I still really don't want to spoil this little gem for you by giving too much away! 

All I will say was that this melodramatic, scantily clad, energetic, leopard print infested piece of theatre managed to make me laugh, question gender roles and long whole-heartedly for the beach.

Brilliantly directed by Stephen Nicolazzo we are definitely lucky to have such a stellar, ab-fab, psycho-delic show in our backyard for Bris Fest :) If you like yourself and enjoy fun PLEASE. GO. SEE. THIS.

Runs until September 28th - Tickets and info H E R E

Photo: Herald Sun

Photo: Promptside

Photo: The Loop

Photo: Brisbane Festival

Holly / Interactive and Visual Design student (and all round Brisbane art and zine girl)
Mez / Art History and Music student

Can you describe the show in 3 words?
H: Leopard. Sassy. Amazing.
M: Thematic. Engaging. Fun.

What was your favourite part?
H: When Berdine read sections from her diary.
M: The dance scenes, the strobbing lights, the Luau.

What other Brisbane Festival shows are you hoping to see?
H: The Rite of Spring
M: The Rite of Sping, and the Wizard of Oz

Doku Rai

Black Lung Theatre and The Whaling Firm

One of my favourite theatre making troupes is Black Lung Theatre and The Whaling Firm, not only for their end product of a final show, but for the fully involved and in-depth (yet incredibly playful) process they engage in to create each production.

All background and theoretical reasonings aside, I'd have to say Black Lung really produce theatre that isn't meant to be traditionally appreciated like a linear play - and they do it perfectly!

Doku Rai has been no exception. Where you'll just start to grasp the storyline and begin to understand a character, BL will hurl a cannonball into the water, throw you out of you safe and buoyant boat and straight into the wings of a cockerel and a sky raining glitter and tropical flowers...

Sound weird? It might seem unusual in these terms, but when you're in the show that cannonball will tickle your funny bone whilst keeping you completely and utterly entertained and immersed in the world this troupe has carefully and beautifully created for you.

Contemporary and collaborative theatre at it's best - with a completely live soundtrack to boot (and that beautiful cockerel, Jesse James).

Runs until September, 21st - Tickets and more info H E R E

Q+A Session with the cast and Bris Fest VIPs

Well hello, Jesse James!

David Stewart / Theatre Maker, Part Time Barista, Full Time Genius

Three words to describe the show?
Ritual. Messy (in a good way!). Acerbic. 

What were your favourite moments in Doku Rai?
There were two - the chicken, and the post modern death video that they used.

If you were a social media platform/a digital device what would you be?
I'd be the Facebook poke because I just prod people.