Saturday, 10 August 2013

OUT: The Glass Menagerie Opening Night

Words by Stephanie Stainlay
Terrible iPhone images by Athalia Foo

Only after picking up my ticket for Tennessee Williams classic The Glass Menagerie from the box office at La Boite did I realise I was in for a two and a half hour show and considering I have the attention span of a peanut I was slightly concerned how my evening would pan out. As well as being a text heavy show, I was pleasantly surprised that I was kept completely engaged throughout the whole production. 

I also usually find myself getting caught up in the imagery of shows and disengaging from what is being said, and so I usually have no idea what actually happens in most plays. The Glass Menagerie, directed by David Berthold, is the first play I have seen in a long time where I really got caught up in the story and the relationships between the characters. The imagery, set and costumes, especially in the second half of the show, were beautiful with incredible attention to detail. 

The performances given by all actors were outstanding but Helen Howard basically stole the show as the domineering mother, Amanda. It was slightly terrifying how accurate her portrayal of an overbearing mum was :/ . This four character memory play is moving and unexpectedly hilarious with an incredibly depressing ending (yay!) but I guarantee it is a well spent two hours and thirty minutes (+15 minute interval for washroom break) of your life.

The season runs until the 31st of August with a 'Meet the Artists' evening held on the 16th of August. Buy tickets HERE

Image courtesy of La Boite Theatre Company

Image courtesy of La Boite Theatre Company

Image courtesy of La Boite Theatre Company

Image courtesy of La Boite Theatre Company

Meeting Helen Howard!!

Mitchell Chamberlain/Mechanist + Kat O'Sullivan/Independent Producer

1. What did you get up to today?

M - I worked and then made some lego : )
K - Got my licence renewed.

2. Which character in The Glass Menagerie did you identify most with and why?

K - Tom because he wants to travel and go places and just wants to get out.
M - Tom for similar reasons. I don't want to be tied down to one spot.

3. The last arts event you attended?

M + K- War Horse at QPAC, it was awesome.

4. Is there anything you are looking forward to this year?

M - Travelling.
K - ><R&J opening night. 

Richard Jordan/Playwright

1. What did you get up to today?

Worked on a speech and spoke to a director about an upcoming work.

2. Which character in The Glass Menagerie did you identify most with and why?

Laura, the daughter, resonated the most with me.

3. The last arts event you attended?

 I went to this underground theatre event last night which was hosted in a old Queenslander. It was a one man show about (this man's) life.

4. Is there anything you are looking forward to this year?

I'm about to start work on the creative development of a show I'm really excited about.

5. Favourite piece of theatre this year?