Sunday, 21 April 2013

Artist Profile: Maximillian Strewe

The work of graphic design artist Maximillian Strewe is crisp, smart, fun and original. The artist's creative output has for years been exuded onto innovative web page and marketing designs, as well as the odd vodka bottle, but the removal of any commercial constraint unleashes an artist whose witty creativity spans the fields of illustration and design.  Max's work might combine his predisposition to innovative typefaces with his surrealist illustrations to propose a myriad of smart and interconnected ideas, or simple designs might coalesce to form large, impressive patterns.

Maximillian also holds the hardly negligible title of mastermind behind the Ångström Space psychedelic music bookings and promotions group. These guys have been bringing a slate of independent psych and drone musicians to the forefront in the form of monthly gigs at Black Bear Lodge or the Brunswick Hotel.

We managed to get a few words out of Max and his busy schedule ahead of his artwork appearing in our exhibition S P A C E this Friday night!


1. How would you describe your work?

Psychedelically minimal.

2. What motivates you?

Good music and an original idea.

3. What are you up to these days in terms of creative projects?

I currently run a project called Ångström Space - holding gigs for alternate music such as psychedelic, shoegaze and generally small music group projects from Brisbane

4. Who would you most like to collaborate with (living or dead) and why?

Anyone living...

5. What’s next in terms of using different media/challenging yourself?

In terms of challenging myself, I am organising a festival in September - hopefully bringing over 2 international bands and 4 bands from Sydney and another 8 or so from Brisbane.  Something I've never done...

6. Ideal way to spend a day off? 

Pintxo Taperia or the Brunswick Hotel.

7. Favorite place to create in Brisbane? 

My mind.

8. Will you always be based in Brisbane or plan to move to greener pastures?

Hasta la vista.  But I'll be back

9. One thing you would like to change about Brisbane, as a city? And why…

Campbell Newman.  Because he lacks creativity, culture and has no wits about him.  He is stopping Brisbane from being the worldly town it's trying so hard to be.

10. What should we be expecting for your piece in S P A C E?

A conniving blank piece of paper.

Catch more of Max's work herehere, here, or at S P A C E @ Bleeding Heart this Friday!!