Monday, 18 February 2013

OUT: Onra @ Creme De La Creme (Tokyo)


When I first got wind that the infamous Onra was going to be in Tokyo-town playing a FREE set I did everything humanly possible in my power to track the gig down. I was not disappointed. The show was held at Harajuku/Shibuya's Creme De La Creme - a space somewhat similar to Brisbane's own and dearly loved Metro Arts building - and the event was hosted by Hennessy Artistry much to our benefit! When we entered we were a bit surprised to see a comfortable gathering of suited up business men, but were reassured we hadn't walked into a work convention by the free Hennessy mixers and the super chilled tunes Onra had just started laying down!

A great thing about Japan also is that, like Brisbane, they support their artists and this was no exception. A definite highlight for me was when Onra shared the stage/mixing decks with Sauce81.

But I have to say, the best thing about the night... was...actually...meeting...ONRA....himself, and having 5 minutes to interview him! Forgive me for my stupid questions - being star struck apparently also makes you simple minded and not in a good way.

 ~ * ONRA * ~ 

1. Favourite part of Tokyo? 

2. How has your time here been so far? 
Good! It's not my first time here, I've been here a few times before.

3. What is your favourite form of art? 

4. Who inspires you? 
J Dilla

5. What are you looking forward to? 
Seeing Madlib play at Vision nightclub tomorrow. And playing again here on Saturday (Creme De La Creme)

6. Can we take a quick photo of you? 
Sure. I  can't smile in photos though. I never smile in photos.

Claire Patterson / 20 / Ashgrove

1. What'd you think of Onra? Amazing! Phenomenal.

2. What was the last arts event you attended in Tokyo? The exhibition at Roppongi Hills Gallery.

3. What are you doing in Tokyo? We are all studying architecture at a university outside of Tokyo. We're from UQ and are here on scholarship for one more week.

4. What are you looking forward to? Trying the coffee at Lattest in the Omotesando area.

5. Whats the next arts event you will be going to?
In Roppongi there's a Le Corbusier designed gallery. It's full of lots of western style art. It's going to be phenomenal.

Georgia Birks / 19 / Annerley  

1. What did you think of Onra? 
Brilliant! And a hunk-o-spunk!

2. What was the last arts event you went to?
The 21st Century Museum. It had unbelievable architecture.

3. What has been your favourite part of Tokyo?
Harajuku! It's a surprise on every corner.

4. What are you looking forward to?
Going to Age-ha. It's a huge super club.

5. What is the next arts you are attending?
Pecha Kucha in Tokyo.

Felicity Denton / 26 / Indooroopilly

1. Are you related to Andrew Denton?
I wish. No...maybe.

2. What did you think of Onra?
Fantastic! Inspiring!

3. What was the last arts event you went to?
Kanazawa Museum

4. What has been your favourite place in Tokyo?
The ferry terminal in Yokohama. You have to go!

5. What are you looking forward to?
My boyfriend coming home from Afghanistan!