Saturday, 26 January 2013

OUT: Factory Diaries Launch

On Friday night we dropped into Bleeding Heart Gallery for the much-anticipated launch of Factory Diaries - an online platform dedicated to showcasing emerging artists, musicians and performers.  This venture is the creative brainchild of best friends known to all as Tash C and Tash D, and if their opening night - which was filled with burlesque, acoustic music and some art from creatives we're looking forward to hearing more of - is anything to go by, then we're sure we'll be hearing a lot more from the Factory Diaries girls in future.

We also had the chance to catch up with Tash C and Tash D earlier in the week to quiz them on what Factory Diaries is all about, and what tricks they might have up their sleeves for us Brisbane art-lovers.

1. So first of all, what exactly is Factory Diaries?

Tash D: Factory Diaries is the love child of Tash C and myself.  We're both huge fans of the Brisbane arts scene and wanted to create a platform to discuss, review and showcase all of our amazing local talent.

2. How did the idea come about?

Tash C: Through frustration!  I really wanted to create an all encompassing, slightly underground website featuring artists and events throughout Brisbane.  We have such a diverse and unique art culture in this city but sometimes it can be hard to find.

There was a lot of support but I quickly realised the workload would be astronomical.  I was afraid that if I tackled it on my own it would not give the art scene the props it deserved.  So I asked my best friend Tash D to come along with me and to my delight she was just as excited as I was.

3. Can you tell us a little bit about your backgrounds as artists?

Tash D: I've been acting and dancing since high school.  I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Applied Theatre which gave me experience in all parts of theatre from lighting, to stage managing, to voice acting, etc.  I'm also a local burlesque dancer who performs under the alias of Ruby Little.  You can catch me in the Miss Burlesque Australia QLD Finals on March 24th.

Tash C:  I've been painting, drawing and making messes since I could toddle.  I have always had a love of art and design.  In 2012 I showcased at Raw Brisbane as a visual artist and was lucky enough to make it into the First Annual RAWawards Australia!  I've just scored a job as curator for the Rising Project which is a locally run fundraising organisation which hosts music event to raise money for mental health.  They're also looking at expanding into visual art fundraisers this year.  

4. What are three things we can usually find the two of you doing?

Tash D: Reading, watching Pokemon and doing Factory Diaries stuff.

Tash C: Listening to vinyls, reading and doing Factory Diaries stuff too!

5. Can you tell us a little bit about the work you’ve done so far with Factory Diaries?

Tash D: So far we've been super busy getting the site ready, which has meant a lot of designing and interviewing so we have a bunch of articles ready for y'all to read.

Tash C: We have also been fortunate enough to create a collaboration between artists in varying fields - photography, make-up, fashion styling and a small business.  We quickly realised that creating opportunities for artists from different disciplines was something that we love doing.

6. Any future projects/collaborations in the mix that you can let us in on?

Tash C & D: The launch party and website development has been taking up most of our time of late.  We are in the process of culminating ideas for our second big collaboration though, so if there are any artists of any field out there interested in participating or who have a great ideas stored away, please get in contact!

7. Where do you hope to take Factory Diaries in, say, five years’ time?

Tash D: Oh gosh!  Who knows!  It could go anywhere and everywhere, and I hope it does!

Tash C: In five years time I hope Factory Diaries has soared.  We have been so overwhelmed and humbled with the support and enthusiasm we've receive throughout Brisbane and we haven't even officially launched yet!  I hope that Factory Diaries becomes a true and in-depth representation of Brisbane's unique and vast art culture.