Saturday, 29 September 2012

Street Feature: RAW Ensemble

It's that time again! We were oh so lucky to be invited along to RAW Brisbane again last Wednesday night and was blown away by how much bigger and better it's getting already!

Our favorites were Fleur Callaghan's obscure and lucid portraits, Emily Nelson's adorable illustrations and Alex Gee's dark apocalyptic short film based on a intense acid trip (not a good one we assume)...

...and other highlights included running into a few friendly faces (you may be familiar with), who are doing bright, creative and all-round wonderful things in our town.

Christie Morgan / 20 / Runs Pitch Online Zine 

The most exciting thing you did today? Coming to RAW Brisbane's Ensemble tonight and the D/Zine launch.

What are you looking forward to? Spool's upcoming exhibition because I just mentioned it!

The best/worst/weirdest advice your mother gave you? The worst was don't go to parties. But I didn't listen to her. 

Demi / 19 / Photographer

The most exciting thing you did today? Ate pineapple. 

What are you looking forward to? Soundwave 2013.

The best/worst/weirdest advice your mother gave you? The best was everything happens for a reason. 


Vincent Chen / 20/ Videographer and student 

Last arts event? The Cub Scouts gig. 

Most exciting thing you did today? Went to a cafe to scout a location for film, got excited for the shoot. 

What are you looking forward to? The next weekend? I don't think too far ahead. 

Best/worst/weirdest advice your mother gave you? Get good sleep... but I never follow it.