Thursday, 27 September 2012

Street Feature: Current Rising

Last Saturday we were treated to free art and music but what got us really excited was seeing parkour, derby and  bike polo demos. We also had a chance to soaking up the sun out on a vast vacant site by the river. I'm talking about Current Rising curated by local artist, Alex Winters. Our highlights included getting our portraits done by Nat Koyama, meeting the lovely girls of Nancy Zine, (picking one up ourselves) and Tiger Beams (didn't even get to stay for them but that's how smitten we are by them)!

And here are some friendly folk we met along the way;

Dylan Wellington / 21 / Student and marketing 

What was the last arts event you went to? I Used To Skate Once

5 words to sum up your day? Sweaty, hot, crashes, long, I-need-food. 

What are you looking forward to? West End st party and a shower. 

What kind of marketing do you do? I intern at the public policy think-tank. 
The best/worst/weirdest advice your mother has given you? Don't smoke too much weed. Didn't help much! 

Lauren Skelsey / 23 / Graphic designer 

Last arts event? Bleached gallery opening. It was really great. 

5 words to sum up your day? Worked, busy, hot, chilled, fun. 

What are you looking forward to?  Japan in February for travels. 

If you were to wear a pair of shoes for the rest of your life what would they be? The ones I'm wearing right now (sensible brown brogues). They are amazing and so comfy! 

Best/worst/weirdest advice your mother has given you? Don't matter which step you take, just take a step.