Sunday, 23 September 2012
Artist Profile: Jackson Hambridge
Zombies and entities from the dark are what he's all about, but there's that hint of light hearted, child-like quality that makes it all the more interesting. Starving artist, friend and part time comedian, this self trained artist has done artwork for Lead the Assault, Lamplights and recently won the Raw Ink Magazine + Devillain T shirt competition...
I am 23 living in Brisbane and I technically unemployed or more accurately, actually unemployed
How would you describe your work?
I don't think I can describe my work as a whole as it varies so much in style and application. Broadly I would say it's fractured sanity
What inspires you to create?
The first line I draw. Once that is done the thing takes on a life of it's own. Sometimes I have a rough Idea of what it's going to be in the end but more often a slight mistake will change the direction of the finished product.
Who inspires you at the moment?
Almost everyone that creates inspires me, but if I had to pick the 4 modern artists I most look up to they would be...
Marlene Freimanis: her early work was the inspiration for my 'chaos' series).
Mr.Sheldon Vella: Sick. twisted. perfect.
Keith Tompson: Baphomet owes allot to old Keithy's style and his story telling is what inspires me to go to that little bit of extra detail in my drawings. He doesn't just draw a weird thing he tells you why its weird (and likely going to hurt you).
Ben Templesmith: He doesn't really inspire, he gives me hope. Hope that one day I wont be here eating nothing but rice sketching away in a dark room and may actually be able to make it as an artist.
What do you find is the most exciting and rewarding aspect in your working process?
The most exciting aspect in my work is working with old ink pot and calligraphy pen. Knowing that at any moment that sucker can bleed black into over my careful crafted sketch ruining it, is a rush (which makes it probably runner - up to lamest rush anybody ever gets). The most rewarding aspect of my entire artistic carer was being bestowed the highest honor an Australian can ever have; having an artwork go 'straight to the pool room.'
What’s next in terms of using different media/challenging yourself?
Next thing I am working on is a comic book which so far untitled. Not giving away any real details at the moment but it's going to be as scary as I can possibly make it
Who would you most like to collaborate with (living or dead) and why?
Anyone in a high octane action movie, I like the idea of having 24 hours to finish a drawing or some shit will blow up. Then having a scene where I jump out an exploding window while sketching saying "SHIIIiiiiiiiiiiiit" not to mention all the terrible pun-liners involving art.
That would be awesome.
Something you’re looking forward to?
Lost Movements 2 - going to be even more epic than the first one. So looking forward to seeing the Pink Fur and the Black Coats play again.
What was the most useful/weirdest advice your mother gave you?
My mum is kind of shit at giving advice. She means well but it always make me feel like working out how to operate a shotgun with my big toe